Join us for the fourth annual Marathon Daffodil Dash on Saturday, April 19th from 10am – 1pm at The Track at Suffolk Downs. Celebrate Marathon weekend in the city with a kids race on the historic racetrack! The Track will be filled with ‘Marathon Daffodils’ that line the streets of Boston leading up to the… Continue reading Marathon Daffodil Dash
Event InfoReady to deck the halls? Suffolk Downs is partnering with Christmas Tree For Me to host two Pop Up Tree Farms on Saturday 11/30 and Sunday 12/8 from 12-3pm at The Yard @ Beachmont Square! We are excited to officially be kicking off the opening of our new public space, The Yard, located at 10… Continue reading Pop Up Tree Farm
Event InfoJoin us for Truck or Treat at The Track at Suffolk Downs on Saturday, October 19th from 10am – 2pm. Wear your costumes and walk along The Track for an up-close view of trucks, police cars, fire engines, and more. Sit in the seats, honk the horns, and get a special treat from your favorite… Continue reading Truck or Treat
Event InfoSuffolk Downs is partnering with Outside the Box Learning Company with Linda Sessa to offer free programming for kids at The Track this summer. Join us in the Paddock from 9:30am – 11:00pm on Thursdays in July and August for hands-on science experiments, games, challenges, and more! These events are free to attend but registration… Continue reading Summer Tracktivities
Event Info